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by Dr. Lorraine DePass
Having been pregnant twice, I am well versed in the three trimesters of pregnancy. And having entered 30+ competitions in the past 30+ years, I am also quite knowledgeable in the three trimesters of training. Because believe me or not, they are highly correlated. The only difference? In pregnancy, each trimester involves 3 months; in training, each trimester is a mere 3 weeks.
[Note: I usually start thinking I can do a 12-week prep for competition then need to extend the time when I realize there is no way I’ll be ready in 12 weeks. But for the ease of comparison, I’m gonna say 12 weeks.]
First Trimester
Pregnancy: The stick turns blue and all of a sudden, you need to change into a different person. No drinking. No partying late into the night. No hanging out with your smoker friends. And a hypervigilance about everything you put into your body.
Prep: You pick a competition date and all of a sudden you need to change into a different person. No drinking. No partying late into the night. No hanging out with your smoker friends. And a hypervigilance about everything you put into your body.
Pregnancy: You only tell your closest friends about the pregnancy. Just in case.
Prep: You only tell your closest friends about the competition. Just in case.
Second Trimester
The best trimester ever.
Pregnancy: Your body is changing and you can no longer hide the changes of your body. The deprivations of the first semester are now second nature. People admire your round belly. Life is good.
Prep: Your body is changing and you no longer hide the changes of your body. The deprivations of the first semester are now second nature. People admire your flat belly. Life is good.
Pregnancy: Strangers stop to ask how far along you are.
Prep: Strangers stop to ask you if you’re a personal trainer.
Third Trimester
Pregnancy: Things are becoming a grind. Your world has been consumed by the same thing day after day. The joyful flush of the second trimester is gone. You obsessively count down to your due date. It can’t come soon enough.
Prep: Things are becoming a grind. Your world has been consumed by the same thing day after day. The joyful flush of the second trimester is gone. You obsessively count down to your competition date. It can’t come soon enough.
Pregnancy: You’re looking forward to getting back to your usual weight. Everything you wear is tight in all the wrong places.
Prep: You’re looking forward to getting back to your usual weight. Everything you wear is loose in all the wrong places.
Pregnancy: Bras don’t fit.
Prep: Bras don’t fit.
Finally, the Day is Here!
Pregnancy: The day is finally here. You are so excited at the same time as you are so spent. You want it over with and yet you don’t.
Prep: The day is finally here. You are so excited at the same time as you are so spent. You want it over with and yet you don’t.
Pregnancy: At the end of all your arduous efforts, you get a gift (a baby).
Prep: At the end of all your arduous efforts, you get a gift (a trophy).
Same thing, right?