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- Dr. Lorraine DePass
My first car was a blue rust-bucket with a manual transmission. I can’t even tell you what the make of that car was. I’m pretty sure it was a No Name car brand.
- Dr. Lorraine DePass
If I am totally honest, I have to admit that I have used bodybuilding shows like other women use weddings and reunions. You know, the event that propels you to amp up...
- Dr. Lorraine DePass
I entered the gym, heading straight into the deepest part. Past the treadmills and steppers, the aerobics room, and the weight machines. Back to the free weights area...
- Dr. Lorraine DePass
For years I have told people that I’ll do most anything for a T-shirt or a trophy. That certainly was true when I did the Moms Rock 5K run or...
- Dr. Lorraine DePass
It is not easy to explain to (ordinary) people why you would want to undergo a 3-4 month diet just for a T-shirt and a trophy...